Andy Moore from ABARES (Canberra) visited MFL last week. Jenny and Andy worked together on the draft final report for the Gemfish project. They also worked on their presentation at the World Fisheries Congress, and discusses a range of problems facing Australian fisheries managers. Photo shows Andy (right) and Jenny (centre) after meeting with Dean Blower […]
Genetic analysis of the Gemfish south of Australia has been a major focus of work underway in the laboratory for several years. Details of the project will be discussed in a talk as part of the World Fisheries Congress in Korea in May 2016. The authors of the talk (Jenny Ovenden and Andy Moore) will argue that the […]
Project scientists from Western Australia, Northern Territory and Queensland are meeting in Brisbane to discuss and synthesise scientific results. New information from genetics, otolith chemistry and parasite has been collected from three important tropical inshore fish species to guide sustainable management into the future. Read more about the project here. L to R: Front Laura Taillebois, […]
Fins from this shark-like ray (Rhynchobatus australiae) are highly sought after for their large size and pale colour. Here, Jenny Giles and colleagues present new genetic data that will allow fins to be identified to species level plus morphological information about the species across its range in South East Asia. The […]
Post graduate student Andy Jones has published a new method for computing confidence intervals on genetic estimates of effective size. The NeEstimator development group is working on incoporating this new method into the software. Click here for the link to the paper.
The Fisheries Society of the British Isles has posted a preliminary program for this Symposium. It will be held at Bangor University (Wales, UK) in July 2016. Invited speakers include Robin Waples NOAA Fisheries Seattle USA, Louis Bernatchez Université Laval Québec Canada, Dorte Bekkevold DTU Aqua Denmark, John Casey Fisheries & Aquaculture Sector European Commission Italy, Axel Meyer Universität Konstanz […]
Congratulations to Safia Maher who has completed her BSc Hons project on tiger shark genetics at MFL. Safia gave a seminar at UQ last Friday summarising her work. By analysing DNA extracted from tiger shark jaws and modern samples, Safia has been able to quantify a change in genetic diversity on the eastern compared to the western coast […]
Its been a while since the last edition of the Black Marlin Bulletin! Read about the work to assess global genetic population structure and to analyse satellite tagging data to understand vertical movement patterns (left). The November 2015 edition is available here.
Project leader Andy Moore from ABARES in Canberra is presenting the results of the gemfish project to research advisory groups this week. The draft final report to funding body FRDC is in production. Project scientists look forward to feedback from stakeholders on the outcomes of this research. Comment on MFL facebook site, or use contact […]
The MFL team are putting the final touches on the genetic analyses of the Chilean skate project. Skates are threatened worldwide. There are many examples of management plans that do not provide enough protection against overfishing. The two species in Chile are a good example. New genetic data show several management units for Zearaja chilensis […]